Want to gain the confidence to buy a multi-family house without the fear of losing money?
I’ll show you how to eliminate that fear with my easy to follow system to estimate profit on a multi family house in under 10 minutes

confidently estimate profit on a multi family house

10 minutes to Profit$97

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Don't miss the Profit Calculator Spreadsheet!

Special one-time offer, only $17!
Just plug in your numbers and analyze your multi family house in just a few clicks! 

No more wasting time building a spreadsheet from scratch or worse... 
fumbling around to find a calculator. 

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  • Total payment
  • 1x10 minutes to Profit$97

All prices in USD

Watch this 60-minute workshop and I'll help you...

confidently estimate the cash flow on any 2-4 multi family house you plan to buy and live in

master my four step process to find the data you need so you can evaluate properties quickly

maximize the rental profits from your multi family house without any complicated math


 the full 10 Minutes to Profit Training  

a recorded Q&A session with common questions

BONUS: downloadable audio-only workshop and Q&A 

BONUS: searchable workshop and Q&A video

What past customers are saying...

A sneak peek of what you will find in the workshop...

the only numbers you really need to know if you plan on living in the multi family house

the 5 things in a home listing you must pay attention to for an accurate profitability estimate

my go to site to get free rent estimates in just a couple of clicks

the #1 thing to keep in mind when deciding if a multi family house will be profitable

a simple way to eliminate analysis paralysis
